Media frenzy, more bush skills and a truly shocking event

(Lou, Yukon) We’ve been fortunate enough to be involved in a media project for the last couple of weeks, which has involved multiple people toing and froing and even camping at our property. We are unused to seeing so many people in one go and all got a bit dizzy with it. Neil has been stuffing his face with their exotic luxury food, I’ve been too excited to sleep and Homer’s forgotten all his training, who we are and probably his name again. Me and Homer getting dizzy with it Snacks- brilliant! I won’t say much about who visited at this stage which makes it all sound terribly exciting, like we have had MI6 here listening in on Putin. Thankfully it wasn’t MI6 as I can’t imagine the British civil service would have brought such nice biscuits. In fact, the food was so nice we were tempted to empty the squirrel’s winter stashes out from under the tree roots and stuff the holes with KitKats. Learning the river Aside from snacks, we had the privile...